Making Great Choices When Dining at a Seafood Restaurant

by | Aug 24, 2018 | Restaurants

Whether you are a seafood lover who has tried a little bit of everything from salmon to scallops, lobsters, and shrimp or you are just finding yourself intrigued by seafood, there’s something for you at the local New Jersey seafood restaurant. In this article, we’ll look at a few tried and true favorites that you can’t miss the next time you want seafood with an Italian flair.

Fried Calamari

Calamari is batter coated squid with a mild and sweet flavor. It’s often paired with lemon and salt or red peppers and a tomato sauce. The dish is a bit chewy and has a nutty flavor that is unlike other seafood dishes. Sometimes it is offered on salads, pasta, paella, and soup. Most often, you’ll find this as an appetizer that you can share with all your friends or family. It’s a dish you should try at least once, just to say that you have done so.

Shrimp Scampi

Shrimp scampi is a blend of shrimp, white wine, and garlic butter. It is often served with pasta or over rice. There are many different variations of the recipe, so you can expect to feel like you’re trying something new each time you order it. The Windlass offers a scampi that comes over linguine for a true Italian experience. This dish is perfect for someone who doesn’t want to journey too far away from their comfort zone but wants something tasty and exciting.

Grilled Mahi Mahi

Mahi mahi comes in many different types with everything from mojo topping to a lime marinade. When it comes to Italian seafood, you might expect to see a pasta, white wine sauce, garlic, and spinach to round out the dish. If you’re lucky, the dish will also include clams for double the seafood sensation. For those who are unfamiliar with mahi mahi, it’s traditionally a fish known as the dolphin fish, which is not the same as the traditional dolphin.

Carne Asada with Garlic Shrimp

If you really want to reach outside of your comfort zone, this is the dish for you. It has a touch of Italian, plenty of seafood, and even a bit of Mexican. Carne asada is a thinly sliced steak and adding on the garlic shrimp will give you a new taste to treasure.

Try New Seafood

At The Windlass seafood restaurant, we offer many dishes for those experienced and new to seafood. We’d be happy to help you choose the perfect dish for your taste.

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